目前分類:Angkor (28)
- Apr 04 Fri 2008 11:06
- Feb 23 Sat 2008 21:56
- Feb 11 Mon 2008 19:38
Jayavarman II
Jayavarman II(約770年—850年)是吳哥王朝第一位柬埔寨國王。他使國家脫離爪哇的統治,恢復了柬埔寨的獨立。
- Feb 03 Sun 2008 02:16
Yasovarman I
Yasovarman I(?—910年),柬埔寨吳哥王朝國王(889年-910年)。他的事蹟見於在吳哥遺蹟發現的碑銘。
- Feb 02 Sat 2008 22:01
Rajendravarman II
Rajendravarman II was a king of the Khmer Empire who ruled from 944 to 968 AD. His principal monuments, located in the Angkor region of Cambodia's Siem Reap province, are Pre Rup and East Mebon.
- Feb 02 Sat 2008 01:30
印度教(Hinduism)為多神信仰,有梵天(Brahma)、毗濕奴(Vishnu)、濕婆(Shiva)、因陀羅(Indra)、阿耆尼(Agni)、雙馬童(Ashvins)、伐由(Vayu)、俱吠羅(Kubera、Kuvera 或 Kuber)、蘇利耶(Surya)、樓陀羅( Rudra)、格涅沙(Ganesha)、哈奴曼(Hanuman)、黑天(Krishna)、辯才天(Saraswati)、吉祥天(Lakshmi)、雪山神女(Parvati)、薩蒂(Sati) 等。雖然神祇眾多,但三大主神力量最強。
- Jan 20 Sun 2008 15:15
Suryavarman II
Suryavarman II(?—1150年)是柬埔寨吳哥王朝國王(1113年—1150年在位)。他在位時是吳哥王朝疆域最廣的時代。
- Jan 20 Sun 2008 15:10
Jayavarman VII
Jayavarman VII是柬埔寨吳哥王朝最著名的統治者之一(1181年—約1219年)。
- Jan 12 Sat 2008 13:59
Churning of the ocean of milk
In Hinduism, Samudra manthan or The churning of the ocean of milk is one of the most famous episodes in the Puranas and is celebrated in a major way every twelve years in the festival known as Kumbha Mela. The story appears in the Srimad Bhagavatam, the Mahabharata and the Vishnu Purana.
- Jan 12 Sat 2008 12:09
Tonlé Sap
The Tonlé Sap (meaning Large Fresh Water River but more commonly translated as Great Lake) is a combined lake and river system of huge importance to Cambodia.
- Mar 31 Sat 2007 01:10